Mastering Due Diligence In Business Purchases: Essential Steps & Insights

The Ultimate Checklist For Successful Due Diligence In Business Acquisitions

Buying a business can be a lengthy process with many steps. It is essential for the buyer to understand as much as possible about the business in order to make an informed decision. From financials to the market details, the due diligence process will give the buyer an idea of what they might be getting into.

An Arizona business lawyer can help the buyer with the due diligence process allowing them to purchase a business with confidence. There are several essential parts to due diligence that must be accomplished before all the information is present. 

Lawyers discussing documents at a desk with a gavel and Lady Justice statue, representing legal services for business purchases

Key Steps To Assessing The Financial Health Of a Business

Buyers typically do not want to buy a business with poor financials, which could saddle them with unwanted debt and a failing business. When it comes to the due diligence process, one of the first steps is to look into the financials to avoid such a situation.

Understanding how the business has run in the past, how it is currently doing, and the projected finances, can shed light on how successful the company can be. An Arizona business lawyer will look for unusual patterns, discrepancies, or any other red flags that could harm the future of the business. They will evaluate the following aspects of the financials:

  • Financial Statements
  • Tax Documents
  • Accounting Records
  • Debt and Financing
  • Contracts and Agreements
  • Employee and Payroll Information
  • Industry-Specific Documents

Essential Legal Considerations In Business Due Diligence

Looking into all the different legal aspects of a business is another important step to the due diligence process. Making sure that a business has no litigation against it or its owners, is following all regulations, and upholding contracts will help ensure a good purchase. 

Business lawyers will take time looking at licenses, contracts, intellectual property rights, and legal liabilities to see that the business is upstanding and will be a good investment for the buyer. 

Critical Factors In Evaluating Business Operations

All businesses have areas where they are doing well and other areas where they might need improvement. Before buying a business, having an understanding of these areas can help determine if it is the right purchase. It does not mean the business has to have everything together perfectly, but that it has the important things figured out.

Having an Arizona business lawyer help determine how operations works gives insight into the business’ efficiency, if the business is able to grow and by how much. Some of the parts of the business that are evaluated during this step of the due diligence process are as follows:

  • Workflow & Productivity: The organization of work and how productive employees and equipment are.
  • Organizational Structure: How the business’ hierarchy and roles work.
  • Customer Satisfaction & Retention: Looking at feedback from the customers and if they are staying with the company.
  • Marketing Strategy: How marketing is approached and how effective it is.
  • Growth Potential: Evaluating where there are opportunities to grow and expand.

Determining Tax Laws As Related To The Business

Different businesses have different tax liabilities, risks, and compliance laws. Evaluating taxes as a part of the due diligence process can help determine how the business is impacted by taxes. Are there any large tax sums that are owed? How is the business set up to pay taxes? How will merging the company impact future taxes?

These are all important questions that will be looked at to help make the decision about the purchase. An Arizona business lawyer will help the buyer request the necessary tax documents such as historical tax returns and information on tax strategies. 

Evaluating The Technological Infrastructure Of a Business

In today’s world, technology is imperative in order to run a business and should be a part of the due diligence process. Making sure that the business has the right technology installed and that it is updated in order to allow it to advance is essential. 

The parts of technology that must be evaluated to ensure the business can continue growing include:

  • IT infrastructure
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Cybersecurity

Make Sure Your Due Diligence Process Is Done Thoroughly With Our Business Lawyers

There are so many details involved in purchasing a business. Hiring a Top-Rated Arizona Business Lawyer at Denton Peterson Dunn can give you peace of mind knowing that all the details will be taken care of. With years of experience under our belts, affordable services, and a kind and compassionate team, we are ready to help you in your business purchase!

Contact us today for a consultation and have confidence in your new acquisition! 

Brad Denton, Business Lawyer
 – Denton Peterson Dunn

1930 N Arboleda #200
Mesa, AZ 85213

Office: 480-660-3249
Email: [email protected]

7272 E Indian School Rd #540-132
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Phone: 480-690-3283
Email: [email protected]