Collective Action Opt-In
    RE: Thorpe, et al. v. VirTra Systems, Inc
    1.I consent, agree, and opt-in as a plaintiff to the lawsuit filed against Defendant
    VirTra Systems, Inc., to pursue my claims of unpaid overtime during my employment with the company.
    2. To the best of my knowledge, I meet the following criteria: I worked for VirTra Systems, Inc. either as a System Installer/Technical
    Support employee and/or at some point between
    and the present, and
    I was not paid time and a half for overtime hours that I worked.
    3. I understand that this lawsuit is brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act, and I
    consent to be bound by the Court's decision.
    4. I designate Timothy F. Coons, Denton Peterson Dunn, PLLC, as my attorney to prosecute
    my wage claims.
    5. I consent to having the representative Plaintiff in the Complaint against VirTra Systems, Inc. make all decisions
    regarding the litigation and the method and manner of conducting this litigation.
    6. If needed, I authorize Timothy F. Coons, Denton Peterson Dunn, PLLC to use this consent
    to re-file my claim in a separate lawsuit or arbitration against the Defendants.



    Sign below using your mouse or your finger:

    Date Signed:

    If you sign a paper version of the form, you should return your signed form to:
    Denton Peterson Dunn, PLLC
    1930 N. Arboelda, Suite 200
    Mesa, AZ 85213
    Timothy F. Coons, attorney for the Plaintiff and/or
    System Installer/Technical Support employees
    Phone (480) 325-9900
    Fax: (480) 325-9901